%%{init: {'securityLevel': 'loose', 'theme':'neutral', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize':'14px', 'fontFamily':'Roboto Mono'}}}%% classDiagram direction RL class SamplingEvent { authorized_by : string[] description : string has_context_category : IdentifiedConcept[] has_feature_of_interest : string label : string pid : uriorcurie project : string responsibility : Agent[] result_time : string sample_location : GeospatialCoordLocation sampling_site : SamplingSite } IdentifiedConcept --o SamplingEvent : has_context_category click IdentifiedConcept href "IdentifiedConcept.html" "Documentation" Agent --o SamplingEvent : responsibility click Agent href "Agent.html" "Documentation" GeospatialCoordLocation --o SamplingEvent : sample_location click GeospatialCoordLocation href "GeospatialCoordLocation.html" "Documentation" SamplingSite --o SamplingEvent : sampling_site click SamplingSite href "SamplingSite.html" "Documentation" SamplingEvent --o MaterialSampleRecord : produced_by click MaterialSampleRecord href "MaterialSampleRecord.html" "Documentation"
Class: SamplingEvent
Information about the event resulting in the creation of the material sample. Include information about permitting in the authorized_by property. The sampling procedure should be described in the description. If any special protocols were followed in the sampling procedure, they should be documented using the MaterialSampleRecord/complies_with property.
URI: isam:SamplingEvent
case 4
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
pid | 0..1 xsd:anyURI |
A string that identifies some resource. Expectation is that it is a URI that is resolvable to some useful represenation of the resource. | |
direct | |||
label | 0..1 xsd:string |
A human intelligible string used to identify a thing, i.e. the name to use for the thing; should be unique in the scope of a sample collection or dataset. | |
direct | |||
description | 0..1 xsd:string |
Free text description of the subject of a triple. | |
direct | |||
has_feature_of_interest | 0..1 xsd:string |
What does the sample represent. | |
direct | |||
has_context_category | 0..* IdentifiedConcept |
Top level context, based on the kind of feature sampled. Specific identification of the sampled feature of interest is done through the SamplingEvent/Feature of Interest property. At least one value is an instance of skos:Concept from the iSamples sampledfeaturevocabulary. | |
direct | |||
project | 0..1 xsd:string |
The name or identifier for a project that is the sponsor for a samplingEvent. Use to link samples collected in the context of a particular project. We do not have a preferred project model at this point; the RAID effort (ISO23527, https://www.raid.org.au/) will hopefully mature into a registry we can use for project identification and metadata. Property value should be a name or a resolvable URI. | |
direct | |||
responsibility | 0..* Agent |
Agent object includes person name, person identifier, affiliation, or organization name, their role relative to the parent element. | |
direct | |||
result_time | 0..1 xsd:string |
Date on which the sample was collected. Can be YYYY, YYYY-MM, xsd:date, or xsd:dateTime. | |
direct | |||
sampling_site | 0..1 SamplingSite |
Object that identifies the place where the sample was collected | |
direct | |||
authorized_by | 0..* xsd:string |
A list of permits or other formal permission documents under which the sample was collected. Use to cite legal documents authorizing sample collection. | |
direct | |||
sample_location | 0..1 GeospatialCoordLocation |
Geopatial location of sample event; required default is WGS84 latitude, longitude in decimal degrees. Elevation as a string with number, unit of measure, and datum. | |
direct |
used by | used in | type | used |
MaterialSampleRecord | produced_by | range | SamplingEvent |
SamplingEvent | has_feature_of_interest | domain | SamplingEvent |
SamplingEvent | project | domain | SamplingEvent |
SamplingEvent | result_time | domain | SamplingEvent |
SamplingEvent | sampling_site | domain | SamplingEvent |
SamplingEvent | sample_location | domain | SamplingEvent |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | [‘isam:SamplingEvent’] |
native | [‘isam:SamplingEvent’] |
LinkML Source
name: SamplingEvent
description: 'Information about the event resulting in the creation of the material
sample. Include information about permitting in the authorized_by property. The
sampling procedure should be described in the description. If any special protocols
were followed in the sampling procedure, they should be documented using the MaterialSampleRecord/complies_with
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
rank: 1000
- pid
- label
- description
- has_feature_of_interest
- has_context_category
- project
- responsibility
- result_time
- sampling_site
- authorized_by
- sample_location
name: SamplingEvent
description: 'Information about the event resulting in the creation of the material
sample. Include information about permitting in the authorized_by property. The
sampling procedure should be described in the description. If any special protocols
were followed in the sampling procedure, they should be documented using the MaterialSampleRecord/complies_with
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
rank: 1000
name: pid
description: 'A string that identifies some resource. Expectation is that it is
a URI that is resolvable to some useful represenation of the resource.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
alias: pid
owner: SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleRecord
- Agent
- SamplingSite
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
- IdentifiedConcept
range: uriorcurie
name: label
description: 'A human intelligible string used to identify a thing, i.e. the name
to use for the thing; should be unique in the scope of a sample collection or
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
- rdfs:label
alias: label
owner: SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleRecord
- SamplingSite
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
- SampleRelation
- IdentifiedConcept
range: string
name: description
description: 'Free text description of the subject of a triple.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
- dct:description
alias: description
owner: SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleRecord
- SamplingSite
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
- SampleRelation
range: string
name: has_feature_of_interest
description: 'What does the sample represent.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: SamplingEvent
alias: has_feature_of_interest
owner: SamplingEvent
- SamplingEvent
range: string
name: has_context_category
description: 'Top level context, based on the kind of feature sampled. Specific
identification of the sampled feature of interest is done through the SamplingEvent/Feature
of Interest property. At least one value is an instance of skos:Concept from
the iSamples sampledfeaturevocabulary.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: has_context_category
owner: SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleRecord
- SamplingEvent
range: IdentifiedConcept
multivalued: true
name: project
description: 'The name or identifier for a project that is the sponsor for a samplingEvent.
Use to link samples collected in the context of a particular project. We do
not have a preferred project model at this point; the RAID effort (ISO23527,
https://www.raid.org.au/) will hopefully mature into a registry we can use for
project identification and metadata. Property value should be a name or a resolvable
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: SamplingEvent
alias: project
owner: SamplingEvent
- SamplingEvent
range: string
name: responsibility
description: 'Agent object includes person name, person identifier, affiliation,
or organization name, their role relative to the parent element.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
alias: responsibility
owner: SamplingEvent
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
range: Agent
multivalued: true
name: result_time
description: 'Date on which the sample was collected. Can be YYYY, YYYY-MM, xsd:date,
or xsd:dateTime.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: SamplingEvent
alias: result_time
owner: SamplingEvent
- SamplingEvent
range: string
- range: date
- range: datetime
- pattern: ^(?:[1]?[0-9]{3}|20[0-2][0-9])$
- pattern: ^(?:[1]?[0-9]{3}|20[0-2][0-9])-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])$
name: sampling_site
description: 'Object that identifies the place where the sample was collected
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: SamplingEvent
alias: sampling_site
owner: SamplingEvent
- SamplingEvent
range: SamplingSite
name: authorized_by
description: 'A list of permits or other formal permission documents under which
the sample was collected. Use to cite legal documents authorizing sample collection.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: authorized_by
owner: SamplingEvent
- SamplingEvent
range: string
multivalued: true
name: sample_location
description: 'Geopatial location of sample event; required default is WGS84 latitude,
longitude in decimal degrees. Elevation as a string with number, unit of measure,
and datum.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: SamplingEvent
alias: sample_location
owner: SamplingEvent
- SamplingEvent
range: GeospatialCoordLocation