%%{init: {'securityLevel': 'loose', 'theme':'neutral', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize':'14px', 'fontFamily':'Roboto Mono'}}}%% classDiagram direction RL class MaterialSampleRecord { alternate_identifiers : string[] complies_with : string[] curation : MaterialSampleCuration dc_rights : string description : string has_context_category : IdentifiedConcept[] has_material_category : IdentifiedConcept[] has_sample_object_type : IdentifiedConcept[] keywords : IdentifiedConcept[] label : string last_modified_time : datetime pid : uriorcurie produced_by : SamplingEvent registrant : Agent related_resource : SampleRelation[] sample_identifier : string sampling_purpose : string } MaterialSampleCuration --o MaterialSampleRecord : curation click MaterialSampleCuration href "MaterialSampleCuration.html" "Documentation" IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : has_context_category click IdentifiedConcept href "IdentifiedConcept.html" "Documentation" IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : has_material_category click IdentifiedConcept href "IdentifiedConcept.html" "Documentation" IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : has_sample_object_type click IdentifiedConcept href "IdentifiedConcept.html" "Documentation" IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : keywords click IdentifiedConcept href "IdentifiedConcept.html" "Documentation" SamplingEvent --o MaterialSampleRecord : produced_by click SamplingEvent href "SamplingEvent.html" "Documentation" Agent --o MaterialSampleRecord : registrant click Agent href "Agent.html" "Documentation" SampleRelation --o MaterialSampleRecord : related_resource click SampleRelation href "SampleRelation.html" "Documentation" MaterialSampleRecord --o SamplingEvent : has_context_category click SamplingEvent href "SamplingEvent.html" "Documentation" MaterialSampleRecord --o SamplingEvent : authorized_by click SamplingEvent href "SamplingEvent.html" "Documentation"
Class: MaterialSampleRecord
This is a data object that is a digital representation of a material sample, and thus shares the same identifier as the physical object. It provides descriptive properties for any iSamples material sample, URI for the metadata record is same as URI for material sample– digital object is considered twin of physical object, a representation. IGSN is recommended. Must be a URI that can be dereferenced on the web.
URI: isam:MaterialSampleRecord
case 4
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
pid | 1..1 xsd:anyURI |
A string that identifies some resource. Expectation is that it is a URI that is resolvable to some useful represenation of the resource. | |
direct | |||
label | 1..1 xsd:string |
A human intelligible string used to identify a thing, i.e. the name to use for the thing; should be unique in the scope of a sample collection or dataset. | |
direct | |||
description | 0..1 xsd:string |
Free text description of the subject of a triple. | |
direct | |||
sample_identifier | 0..1 xsd:string |
URI that identifies the material sample described by this record | |
direct | |||
alternate_identifiers | 0..* xsd:string |
One or more identifiers used to identify the sample in other contexts. In this context, the identifier property and scheme_name should be required. | |
direct | |||
produced_by | 0..1 SamplingEvent |
Object that documents the sampling event–who, where, when the material sample was obtained. | |
direct | |||
sampling_purpose | 0..1 xsd:string |
Term to specify why a sample was collection. | |
direct | |||
has_context_category | 0..* IdentifiedConcept |
Top level context, based on the kind of feature sampled. Specific identification of the sampled feature of interest is done through the SamplingEvent/Feature of Interest property. At least one value is an instance of skos:Concept from the iSamples sampledfeaturevocabulary. | |
direct | |||
has_material_category | 0..* IdentifiedConcept |
The kind of material that constitutes the sample. At least one value is an instance of skos:Concept from the iSamples MaterialTypeVocabulary. Extension vocabularies can be used for more precise categorization. | |
direct | |||
has_sample_object_type | 0..* IdentifiedConcept |
The kind of object the material sample is. At least one value is an instance of skos:Concept from the iSamples materialsampleobjecttype Vocabulary; extension vocabularies can be used for more precise categorization. | |
direct | |||
keywords | 0..* IdentifiedConcept |
Free text terms or formal categories associate with sample to support discovery. As in DataCite metadata, each keyword is a separate element. Multiple keywords should NOT be included as a comma-delimited list. | |
direct | |||
related_resource | 0..* SampleRelation |
Link to related resource with relationship property to indicate nature of connection. Target should be identifier for a resource. | |
direct | |||
complies_with | 0..* xsd:string |
A list of policies, recommendations, best practices (etc.) that have been followed in the collection and curation of the sample. | |
direct | |||
dc_rights | 0..1 xsd:string |
A statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights. Recommended practice is to refer to a rights statement with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal value (name, label, or short text) may be provided. | |
direct | |||
curation | 0..1 MaterialSampleCuration |
Information about the current storage of sample, access to sample, and events in curation history. Curation as used here starts when the sample is removed from its original context, and might include various processing steps for preservation. Processing related to analysis preparation such as crushing, dissolution, evaporation, filtering are considered part of the sampling method for the derived child sample. | |
direct | |||
registrant | 0..1 Agent |
Identification of the agent that registered the sample, with contact information. Should include person name and affiliation, or position name and affiliation, or just organization name. e-mail address is preferred contact information. | |
direct | |||
last_modified_time | 1..1 xsd:dateTime |
time stamp when the metadata record was most recently uupdated. | |
direct |
used by | used in | type | used |
MaterialSampleRecord | sample_identifier | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | produced_by | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | sampling_purpose | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | has_context_category | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | has_material_category | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | has_sample_object_type | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | keywords | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | complies_with | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | registrant | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
MaterialSampleRecord | last_modified_time | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
SamplingEvent | has_context_category | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
SamplingEvent | authorized_by | domain | MaterialSampleRecord |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | [‘isam:MaterialSampleRecord’] |
native | [‘isam:MaterialSampleRecord’] |
LinkML Source
name: MaterialSampleRecord
description: 'This is a data object that is a digital representation of a material
sample, and thus shares the same identifier as the physical object. It provides
descriptive properties for any iSamples material sample, URI for the metadata record
is same as URI for material sample-- digital object is considered twin of physical
object, a representation. IGSN is recommended. Must be a URI that can be dereferenced
on the web.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
rank: 1000
- pid
- label
- description
- sample_identifier
- alternate_identifiers
- produced_by
- sampling_purpose
- has_context_category
- has_material_category
- has_sample_object_type
- keywords
- related_resource
- complies_with
- dc_rights
- curation
- registrant
- last_modified_time
name: label
required: true
name: pid
required: true
name: last_modified_time
required: true
name: MaterialSampleRecord
description: 'This is a data object that is a digital representation of a material
sample, and thus shares the same identifier as the physical object. It provides
descriptive properties for any iSamples material sample, URI for the metadata record
is same as URI for material sample-- digital object is considered twin of physical
object, a representation. IGSN is recommended. Must be a URI that can be dereferenced
on the web.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
rank: 1000
name: label
required: true
name: pid
required: true
name: last_modified_time
required: true
name: pid
description: 'A string that identifies some resource. Expectation is that it is
a URI that is resolvable to some useful represenation of the resource.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
alias: pid
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
- Agent
- SamplingSite
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
- IdentifiedConcept
range: uriorcurie
required: true
name: label
description: 'A human intelligible string used to identify a thing, i.e. the name
to use for the thing; should be unique in the scope of a sample collection or
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
- rdfs:label
alias: label
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
- SamplingSite
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
- SampleRelation
- IdentifiedConcept
range: string
required: true
name: description
description: 'Free text description of the subject of a triple.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
- dct:description
alias: description
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
- SamplingSite
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
- SampleRelation
range: string
name: sample_identifier
description: 'URI that identifies the material sample described by this record
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
- sdo:identifier
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: sample_identifier
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: string
name: alternate_identifiers
description: 'One or more identifiers used to identify the sample in other contexts.
In this context, the identifier property and scheme_name should be required.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
alias: alternate_identifiers
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: string
multivalued: true
name: produced_by
description: 'Object that documents the sampling event--who, where, when the material
sample was obtained.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: produced_by
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: SamplingEvent
name: sampling_purpose
description: 'Term to specify why a sample was collection.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: sampling_purpose
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: string
name: has_context_category
description: 'Top level context, based on the kind of feature sampled. Specific
identification of the sampled feature of interest is done through the SamplingEvent/Feature
of Interest property. At least one value is an instance of skos:Concept from
the iSamples sampledfeaturevocabulary.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: has_context_category
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
- SamplingEvent
range: IdentifiedConcept
multivalued: true
name: has_material_category
description: 'The kind of material that constitutes the sample. At least one
value is an instance of skos\:Concept from the iSamples MaterialTypeVocabulary.
Extension vocabularies can be used for more precise categorization.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: has_material_category
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: IdentifiedConcept
multivalued: true
name: has_sample_object_type
description: 'The kind of object the material sample is. At least one value is
an instance of skos\:Concept from the iSamples materialsampleobjecttype Vocabulary;
extension vocabularies can be used for more precise categorization.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: has_sample_object_type
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: IdentifiedConcept
multivalued: true
name: keywords
description: 'Free text terms or formal categories associate with sample to support
discovery. As in DataCite metadata, each keyword is a separate element. Multiple
keywords should NOT be included as a comma-delimited list.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
- sdo:keywords
- datacite:subjects
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: keywords
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: IdentifiedConcept
multivalued: true
name: related_resource
description: 'Link to related resource with relationship property to indicate
nature of connection. Target should be identifier for a resource.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
alias: related_resource
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: SampleRelation
multivalued: true
name: complies_with
description: 'A list of policies, recommendations, best practices (etc.) that
have been followed in the collection and curation of the sample.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: complies_with
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: string
multivalued: true
name: dc_rights
description: 'A statement about various property rights associated with the resource,
including intellectual property rights. Recommended practice is to refer to
a rights statement with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal
value (name, label, or short text) may be provided.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
- dct:rights
alias: dc_rights
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: string
name: curation
description: 'Information about the current storage of sample, access to sample,
and events in curation history. Curation as used here starts when the sample
is removed from its original context, and might include various processing steps
for preservation. Processing related to analysis preparation such as crushing,
dissolution, evaporation, filtering are considered part of the sampling method
for the derived child sample.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
alias: curation
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: MaterialSampleCuration
name: registrant
description: 'Identification of the agent that registered the sample, with contact
information. Should include person name and affiliation, or position name and
affiliation, or just organization name. e-mail address is preferred contact
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: registrant
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: Agent
name: last_modified_time
description: "time stamp when the metadata record was most recently uupdated.\
\ \n"
from_schema: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0
domain: MaterialSampleRecord
alias: last_modified_time
owner: MaterialSampleRecord
- MaterialSampleRecord
range: datetime
required: true