%%{init: {'securityLevel': 'loose', 'theme':'neutral', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize':'14px', 'fontFamily':'Roboto Mono'}}}%% classDiagram direction BT class MaterialSampleRecord { alternate_identifiers : string[] complies_with : string[] curation : MaterialSampleCuration dc_rights : string description : string has_context_category : IdentifiedConcept[] has_material_category : IdentifiedConcept[] has_sample_object_type : IdentifiedConcept[] keywords : IdentifiedConcept[] label : string last_modified_time : datetime pid : uriorcurie produced_by : SamplingEvent registrant : Agent related_resource : SampleRelation[] sample_identifier : string sampling_purpose : string } click MaterialSampleRecord href "MaterialSampleRecord.html" "Documentation" MaterialSampleCuration --o MaterialSampleRecord : curation IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : has_context_category IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : has_material_category IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : has_sample_object_type IdentifiedConcept --o MaterialSampleRecord : keywords SamplingEvent --o MaterialSampleRecord : produced_by Agent --o MaterialSampleRecord : registrant SampleRelation --o MaterialSampleRecord : related_resource class Agent { affiliation : string contact_information : string name : string pid : uriorcurie role : string } click Agent href "Agent.html" "Documentation" class SamplingSite { description : string is_part_of : uriorcurie[] label : string pid : uriorcurie place_name : string[] site_location : GeospatialCoordLocation } click SamplingSite href "SamplingSite.html" "Documentation" GeospatialCoordLocation --o SamplingSite : site_location class SamplingEvent { authorized_by : string[] description : string has_context_category : IdentifiedConcept[] has_feature_of_interest : string label : string pid : uriorcurie project : string responsibility : Agent[] result_time : string sample_location : GeospatialCoordLocation sampling_site : SamplingSite } click SamplingEvent href "SamplingEvent.html" "Documentation" IdentifiedConcept --o SamplingEvent : has_context_category Agent --o SamplingEvent : responsibility GeospatialCoordLocation --o SamplingEvent : sample_location SamplingSite --o SamplingEvent : sampling_site class GeospatialCoordLocation { elevation : string latitude : decimal longitude : decimal obfuscated : boolean } click GeospatialCoordLocation href "GeospatialCoordLocation.html" "Documentation" class MaterialSampleCuration { access_constraints : string[] curation_location : string description : string label : string pid : uriorcurie responsibility : Agent[] } click MaterialSampleCuration href "MaterialSampleCuration.html" "Documentation" Agent --o MaterialSampleCuration : responsibility class SampleRelation { description : string label : string relationship : string target : uriorcurie } click SampleRelation href "SampleRelation.html" "Documentation" class IdentifiedConcept { label : string pid : uriorcurie scheme_name : string scheme_uri : string } click IdentifiedConcept href "IdentifiedConcept.html" "Documentation"
Schema for documenting material samples
Schema documentation generated from linkml sources.
DV 2025-02-07. Modifications after discussion on iSamples tech. Add geo directly to SamplingEvent, add has_context_category to SamplingEvent. SMR 2022-10-07. Schema for iSamples sample registry integration. Updated from 0.2 by synchronizing the vocabulary enumerations, change ‘id’ to ‘@id’ and ‘schema’ to ‘$schema’. Schema name is iSamplesSchemaCore1.0.json. Target JSON schema version is https://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/schema. SMR 2023-03-17. Move authorized_by into SamplingEvent, change keywords to list of Keyword objects with string, uri, scheme and scheme URI. Reorder elements in slot list. Update scheme URI to 1.0 2023-06-13 SMR add project property on SamplingEvent, with text or URI value. 2024-01-17 SMR run linkml-lint from current linkml version before rebuilding JSON schema. 2024-04-19. DV ran yaml linter on the file to clean up formatting, put hard return in text bodies. Update schema URI to dereference with w3id. SMR 2024-09-13 add last_modified_time as property of MaterialSampleRecord.
URI: https://w3id.org/isample/schema/1.0 Name: materialSample
Class | Description |
Agent | Object to represent a person who plays a role relative to sample collection o… |
GeospatialCoordLocation | A physical location in decimal degrees using EPSG:4326 |
IdentifiedConcept | An identifier with a label, used for vocabulary terms |
MaterialSampleCuration | Information about the current storage of sample, access to sample, and events… |
MaterialSampleRecord | This is a data object that is a digital representation of a material sample, … |
SampleRelation | Semantic link to other samples or related resources |
SamplingEvent | Information about the event resulting in the creation of the material sample |
SamplingSite | Documentation of the site where the sample was collected, wtih place name(s) … |
Slot | Description |
access_constraints | Cultural, legal, or other policy issues that bear on access to view, borrow, … |
affiliation | Name of an organization that employes or sponsors a person for the role they … |
alternate_identifiers | One or more identifiers used to identify the sample in other contexts |
authorized_by | A list of permits or other formal permission documents under which the sample… |
complies_with | A list of policies, recommendations, best practices (etc |
contact_information | E-mail address, telephone number, mailing address, or web site through which … |
curation | Information about the current storage of sample, access to sample, and events… |
curation_location | Information about where and how the sample is currently stored |
dc_rights | A statement about various property rights associated with the resource, inclu… |
description | Free text description of the subject of a triple |
elevation | Should be a number and Unit of measure, and the vertical reference system |
has_context_category | Top level context, based on the kind of feature sampled |
has_feature_of_interest | What does the sample represent |
has_material_category | The kind of material that constitutes the sample |
has_sample_object_type | The kind of object the material sample is |
is_part_of | A link from a SamplingSite to a larger sampling site that spatially contains … |
keywords | Free text terms or formal categories associate with sample to support discove… |
label | A human intelligible string used to identify a thing, i |
last_modified_time | time stamp when the metadata record was most recently uupdated |
latitude | Angular coordinate measured positive north from the equator |
longitude | Angular coordinate measured positive eastward from the prime meridian |
name | String, name of a person |
obfuscated | Flag to indicate that accuracy of provided coordinate location has been reduc… |
pid | A string that identifies some resource |
place_name | One or more names by which the sampling site is known |
produced_by | Object that documents the sampling event–who, where, when the material sampl… |
project | The name or identifier for a project that is the sponsor for a samplingEvent |
registrant | Identification of the agent that registered the sample, with contact informat… |
related_resource | Link to related resource with relationship property to indicate nature of con… |
relationship | Term to identify realationship between host sample and the sample relation ta… |
responsibility | Agent object includes person name, person identifier, affiliation, or organiz… |
result_time | Date on which the sample was collected |
role | Term that specifies how a person is related to a sample curation or collectio… |
sample_identifier | URI that identifies the material sample described by this record |
sample_location | Geopatial location of sample event; required default is WGS84 latitude, longi… |
sampling_purpose | Term to specify why a sample was collection |
sampling_site | Object that identifies the place where the sample was collected |
scheme_name | String label for the concept scheme or vocabulary within which the keyword co… |
scheme_uri | Identifier for the concept scheme or vocabulary within which the keyword conc… |
site_location | Geopatial location of site; required default is WGS84 latitude, longitude in … |
target | Identifier for the target resource in the relationship |
No enumerations are defined.
Type | Description |
xsd:boolean | A binary (true or false) value |
xsd:string | a compact URI |
xsd:date | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar |
linkml:DateOrDatetime | Either a date or a datetime |
xsd:dateTime | The combination of a date and time |
xsd:decimal | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci… |
xsd:double | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification |
xsd:float | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification |
xsd:integer | An integer |
xsd:string | A string encoding a JSON Path |
xsd:string | A string encoding a JSON Pointer |
xsd:string | Prefix part of CURIE |
shex:nonLiteral | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model |
shex:iri | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model |
xsd:string | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path |
xsd:string | A character string |
xsd:time | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular… |
xsd:anyURI | a complete URI |
xsd:anyURI | a URI or a CURIE |
No subsets are defined.